Living With MBD

Metastatic Breast Disease (MBD). It’s a sobering thought, even admidst dissolving of brain tumors by radiation. Advanced cancers perhaps aren’t the death sentences they used to be, still, when taken in all their invasiveness, are things to be respected.

I may always be on some form of chemo. I may be on Tamoxifen, as long as possible. With luck, my tumor marker numbers will continue to go down, until they are part and parcel of my whisper factor, the cancer that makes up my particular MBD.

Radiation oncology has its place to play amidst all the chemicals as well.

In any equation, you have things like overriding pain that has to be controlled — the cancer causes its own little bits of grief after all, and if you’re like me, your cancer is here and there in your body; I’m Stage III, I don’t know how I’d handle it being Stage IV for example. Some people out there are totally brave.

Right now its just one step in front of the other, and slip-sliding into states of head consciousness where I can deal with the enormity of the disease, not only my own process, but my husband having cancer too — we’re certainly not the only two cancer family in the world right now, but the fact that we both have a cancer at this time is pretty rough.

I’m not complaining though, at least we can both move still and are not incapacitated except for the general fatigue that comes from being on chemo meds and roids.

Thanks to a bit of help from some friends we’re managing over here.

I’m debating, after the radiation is over, about breaking into a brand new blog about living with MBD, how people cope, what they can do, etc. I’m giving it serious thought.

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